Pet Library - Litchfield Veterinary Hospital - Litchfield, CT

Litchfield Veterinary Hospital

289 Torrington Road
Litchfield, CT 06759


VIN Library:

Litchfield Veterinary Hospital provides you with a full library of pet medical information  from the Veterinary Information Network.  VIN is the world's first and largest online veterinary community, where new articles are added weekly by the experts at VIN to make sure that our readers have the most current veterinary information available. All information is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a means to diagnose and/or treat a pet's medical condition.  The doctors at Litchfield Veterinary Hospital recommend that all pets be seen regularly by their veterinarian. If pets are injured or sick, owners should seek immediate veterinary medical attention.


Select one of the Pet Health Articles below or use the search option in the VIN window:

Pet Health Articles

Click On Title To Read More....

Cruciate Ligament Injury
Dental Disease in Dogs and Cats
Otitis Externa - Ear Infections, What You Need To Know
Otitis Externa- How To Clean Your Pet's Ears
Winter Holiday Hazards for Pets