Pet Health and Wellness - Litchfield Veterinary Hospital - Litchfield, CT

Litchfield Veterinary Hospital

289 Torrington Road
Litchfield, CT 06759


Pet Health and Well-being


Pets play a vital role in our lives.  We understand how important maintaining their health is to you. While our team is always ready to share their knowledge, or teach owners how to provide care, having resources available at home or on the go is convenient.  We have compiled a group of valuable resources for pet owners to navigate.  Whether it's a How To Video or a Pet Health Article, you will find what you are looking for, if not, send us an email and if approved, we'll add it to our list!

     Search the bottom of this page to scroll through current Veterinary Information Network articles.  Refresh your browser to change articles.

Client Handouts

How to Videos:

  • How to give a cat a pill
  • How to brush your dog's teeth
  • How to clean your pet's ears

Pet Food Recalls

Poisonous Plants

Pet Poison Prevention


In Case of Emergency

Also search for a specific topic in our Pet Library 

Natural Pet Food from Mother Nature

I'm fed up with "natural" equating "so much healthier to eat than processed crap." We see the claim "natural!!!" in so many manufactured food products, pet and ...

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Gotta Get those Annual Exams

A few weeks ago I learned I have a wee bit of breast cancer. It was caught incredibly early: Stage 0, noninvasive, and non-life threatening.How do I know I'm ...

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Why Do Cats Pee in the House? Part 1: The Pet Owner's Perspective

My house is a toilet.I don't mean it has a toilet; it actually has two. I mean the entire house has been used as though it were a toilet by my cat, Dickens. Mr. ...

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Catching worms from pets: real risk or far-fetched?

Echinococcus is a less common genus of tapeworm with two zoonotic species: E. granulosus (cystic) and E. multilocularis (alveolar). Dogs, cats and humans can c ...

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Form and Function: Choosing Healthy Pets

Now, the default state for most riding horses born with male parts is gelding (castrated male). Generally, it’s much easier to convince a half ton animal to go ...

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Vaccine Information for Dogs, Cats, Puppies and Kittens

Why Do Baby Animals Need a Series of Shots and How Many do They Need?When a baby kitten or puppy is born, its immune system is not yet mature; the baby is wide ...

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